7 Things You Need to Know About Getting on TVby Robin Samora - Marketing/PR Expert
There are multiple ways to get press, including pitching to the Wall Street Journal, but I suggest that you become media ready and ready- to-go, before you contact any reporter.
When you learn my free publicity strategies and actually get published, there’s no stopping you. You’ll jump for joy, collect logos and links, and fast track your credibility. In the meantime… |
1. Create an iron-clad media base
Your website and social media showcase your brand as an expert. Treat them with respect, as your 24/7 sales team, always on, always in promo mode. Social media and your website are the first places reporters will look to check you out, to see if you’re credible. Make sure that all links to your website work, and your information is error-free. Note: it’s fine to be more personal on social media, but keep your brand personality consistent. G-rated maybe. OK, PG-13. Unless you’re super edgy.
2. Know how to write a great press release
When you want to get the media’s attention, it’s important to know how to write an attention-grabbing press release. Come up with an interesting headline. Keep the copy tight and to the point. Don’t forget to include a great “quote” by you. You’re the expert, after all. End with a 2-3 sentence bio of yourself or business and make sure to put in all of your contact information, including your phone number. Check out this guide on how to write a great press release.Bonus tip: When you send out your media release, paste it directly into the body of your email, or create a link. Don’t send it as a PDF or word attachment. You’re less likely to get spam-filtered and your release is more likely to get read, not end up in the trash.
3. Be ready to newsjack at any minute
Keep an eye on industry news. Better yet, set up Google Alerts for keywords in your particular industry. Be ready to jump at news you could weigh in on. Maybe you have a different point of view or a local spin on a national story? When you pitch, make sure it’s newsworthy; consider timeliness, proximity, conflict and controversy, human interest, and relevance. If your idea passes the test, go for it. Fast.
4. Pre-load your mailing list
Have a few local news stations in your area? Look up their contact info now. Research actual people to email your press releases to instead of the generic “[email protected].” It could be your favorite newscaster or the editor, but find one or two key staff at each station you can email directly, and eventually call. Have the list ready to go as a group in your email contacts, or on an excel sheet or database. Audit it often to make sure you still have the best contact info for each person. Once every two to three months should be fine, unless you hear of a change.
5. Network with media contacts
Find out what groups journalists, TV editors and newscasters in your area belong to, and join them, if it makes sense. Get to know their style and beat by paying attention to what they write and post on social media. Like, comment, and engage as well. You don’t have to be their best friend, but introduce yourself and start a meaningful connection.This goes a long way when your name shows up in their inboxes. “Hey, I know that guy.”
6. Be passionate
You love what you do, so make it obvious. Show that you’re enthusiastic online and offline in your press release, on your website, social media, and in your personal interactions. If you really care about something, it immediately becomes more interesting to people you’re talking to. Being excited about your subject matter raises your energy level and attracts others around you. Good energy is contagious and everyone wants “in”.
7. Create video content
If you want to be featured on broadcast networks, having prior TV experience or video footage helps. It shows producers that you’re poised, a credible expert, and won’t freak on camera. Shoot a few 3- 5 minute videos talking about what you know and love. Better yet, if you’re giving a talk or training, have someone record you doing it. Post it to YouTube, your website and other social media. Why not get social proof while you’re at it?
I can teach you how to pitch TV stations, be featured online, and practice so you’ll be prepared. Keep in mind, I’m not a publicist, and I don’t have Oprah’s mobile number. But, I can guide or mentor you on how to get free publicity. I’ll help you pitch story ideas to journalists, bloggers, and influencers – locally and nationally – so you’ll get noticed. I’m also an expert on getting picked up on HARO; (Hint: it’s not an online dating site).
Let’s chat about how we can get you more visibility and media exposure. You can contact me here or choose a time that works for you on my calendar.
Let’s chat about how we can get you more visibility and media exposure. You can contact me here or choose a time that works for you on my calendar.